TypeORM, TypeGraphQL, and Apollo together are a powerful stack for Node.js for creating GraphQL APIs.

Unfortunately there are practically no decent and up-to-date example code repos or boilerplates, so I created my own code sample / boilerplate here:

Boilerplate **GitHub Link: https://github.com/JeremyBernier/typeorm-typegraphql-apollo-boilerplate**

(Note: The code repo is in progress. When it is done I’ll completely rewrite this article)

In this article I will introduce the libraries, explain the essentials to get things working, and address bugs and problems.

What is TypeORM?

TypeORM is an ORM for Node.js

What is TypeGraphQL?

TypeGraphQL is a library that enables you to define your schema with Typescript types and decorators.

What is Apollo Server?

Apollo server is a GraphQL server that can work as a middleware to any other Node.js server (eg. Express)

GraphQL Basics | Resolver Design

GraphQL allows the client/frontend to query the specific data requested like this:

	places {
		reviews {
			user {

Here we’re querying places, along with each place’s reviews, and the user name of each reviewer.

	user(id: "some-user-id") {
		reviews {
			place {

Here we’re querying a specific user’s profile information, as well as a list of his reviews and the places they’ve reviewed.

One the backend, the first query involves querying places, while the second queries user

@Query((returns) => User)
  async user(@Arg("id") id: string) {
    return this.userRepo.findOne({
      where: {

But notice that this simple query won’t return any reviews because reviews are stored in a separate database table and need to be joined on users.